1- After reviewing this weeks readings, identify at least psychological impacts from workplace bullying. Be sure to address how employee performance may be impacted. Lastly, describe how internal bullying may negatively impact the organization.
2- Given this weeks readings on violations of ethics in the organizational setting, identify at least 3 critical components that must be included in an organizations Code of Ethics. Also, detail how would you administer the Code of Ethics with an organizations employees. For example, would you require annual training for the Code of Ethics? Would you not require a training session? Justify your approach.
3- Identify 2 companies that have had ethical challenges as a result of a toxic leader. You may choose companies that you have been a part of or have some level of familiarity with. Detail the challenges that the company endured as a result of a toxic or corrupt leader or leaders. Based upon this weeks readings, discuss how the companies should have dealt with the toxic leaders.