Abstracted Outline


Abstracted Outline

Begin your review of the theoretical and research literature to support for your Integrative Project: Chapters 15. Keep in mind that you will demonstrate, via a thorough review of the literature, what represents best practices in a practice or specialization in psychology.

At this point in the development of your literature review, you should be able to identify 1625 sources that support the development of the abstracted outline.

Create and post an abstracted outline of your Chapter 2 Literature Review for your Integrative Project. You should present one or two sentences for each main heading and subheading, explaining the key points to be covered under each section.

Format example:

Topic LSQ

Chapter 2

Main heading section 1 (one- or two-sentence description)

  • Subheading 1-1 (one-sentence description)
    • Article 1 (APA reference citation)
    • Article 2 (APA reference citation)
  • Subheading 2-1 (one-sentence description)
    • Article 3 (APA reference citation)
    • Article 4 (APA reference citation)
    • Article 5 (APA reference citation)

Main heading section 2 (one- or two-sentence description)

  • Subheading 1-2 (one-sentence description)
    • Article 6 (APA reference citation)
    • Article 7 (APA reference citation)

Note: The number of main sections and subsections will depend on your topic and the quantity and quality of your literature search results.

This material should be cited in APA style and the outline should conclude with an APA-formatted reference list.

Attach your discussion as a Word document set in Times New Roman, 12-point, double-spaced type. In addition, please copy and paste the content into the message box for your post.