SOCW 6111 Week 10 Discussion

Trauma is ubiquitous. While trauma is most commonly associated with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, trauma can manifest in a myriad of different ways and not every client who experiences trauma will be diagnosed with PTSD. Social workers intervene directly with trauma when working in Veterans services, domestic violence/sexual assault response programs, and child protective services. Social workers also work with trauma indirectly when working in mental health, substance abuse services, schools, refugee resettlement, and other forms of social service. Whether or not you are directly treating a traumatic episode as the presenting problem, trauma will be present in the clinical space.


In this Weeks Discussion, you will demonstrate your skills related to explaining trauma and intervention to a client. This will require you explain the concepts in a manner that is understandable to the developmental and educational level of the client. No need to solicit a volunteer to assist you. Position yourself as though the client is directly behind the camera lens. The goal is to show, not tell. In other words, you are expected to demonstrate rather than discuss your skills. You should role-play as if you were speaking directly to a client.

Submit a 4-5 minute video demonstrating your skills. In the role-play:

Ask one question that you would use to elicit information about a clients trauma experience. [Assume a response and move to the next part of the skill demonstration]
Explain to the client the effects of trauma generally and how trauma may be affecting the client specifically.
Explain to the client what intervention(s) you would recommend and why.
Explain the role you would take in any intervention given your scope of practice and to whom you would refer the client for additional intervention.

(I will be recording the video, you just give me the transcript to read off of)

Then, You will respond to 2 colleagues once I upload their posts.