Reponse to the following post below. 5-6 sentences


  • Complete the following . Based on this survey, what appears to be your strongest learning style? Do you agree? If you do agree, explain why. If you don’t agree with the survey results, what do you feel is your strongest learning style and why? 

Based on the VARK questionnaire, my strongest learning style is kinesthetic at 12 points. I also scored 11 points in aural. Kinesthetic learners have a preference for hands-on, real-world learning with a physical component, such as personal experiences, vivid examples, or simulated or real practice. Kinesthetic learners want to do something to learn a concept, such as an experiment, or prefer to see a live demonstration to experience the learning in a concrete way. (Shushan, 2019, p. 71) Aural learners learn by talking things over (VARK Learn Limited, 2022) and listening to others. Shushan mentions, an Aural learner, should choose discussion-based (2019, p.71) courses. I find myself really enjoying the discussion board assignments and now understand why! These learning styles are how I learn so, yes, I agree with my results. I also agree, while it is only a 1-point difference, I need to be shown how to do something first and try to do it for myself for it to click in my brain. If I have been shown something and I am not understanding, I must talk about it aloud with myself or with someone else. Hearing myself say it aloud helps me organize my thoughts. When I watch someone do something, even if I must see it done a few times, it is like a movie reel that plays in my head that I can follow along to and complete the task afterwards. (Not sure if that makes any sense?) 

  • Some researchers believe that we do not have just one “strongest” learning style, but in fact, will use a variety of styles based on what it is we are trying to learn. Can you think of a learning task that you might face in which your “strongest” learning style might not work? Which one might work better? 

A learning task that may not work with my strongest learning styles is when I am studying from textbooks. My lowest score was in read/write. I only scored 4 points. Read/write is the strategy that I think would work best when studying. I do like taking notes and making lists, but I do not retain information as well when I have to read text. My notes are organized in a way that makes sense to me but is, more than likely, not the most efficient way. On the help sheet for kinesthetic it says, Your notes may be poor because the topics were not concrete or relevant (VARK Learn Limited, 2022). It made me chuckle.  

  • Based on the VARK Questionnaire Results page, identify two strategies from the help sheet links that might benefit you in an educational setting. Explain if you can start using these strategies right away in FOR110. 

Kinesthetic strategies I may benefit from, in an educational setting, and can start using right away are in relation to the way I take notes. I struggle with that the most. The help sheet recommends I find pictures and photographs that illustrate an abstract idea, theory or principle and talk about your notes with another person with a Kinesthetic preference (VARK Learn Limited, 2022) I can absolutely apply these strategies in FOR110. After this assignment, I will be able to see who else learns like I do. That could help, having someone to bounce ideas off. Regarding any assignment or test, they may have a great study system that they can recommend. I’m not sure how I will go about finding pictures and photographs that illustrate an abstract idea, theory or principle (VARK Learn Limited, 2022) I am not an abstract thinker at all. If anyone has tips and tricks, I am all ears! 

Aural strategies I may benefit from, in an educational setting, and can start using right away are attending classes, discussions and tutorials and discussing topics with your teachers and other students. Explain new ideas to other people (VARK Learn Limited, 2022). What I gather from that information is I just need to stay attentive and make sure I do not get shy and stop asking questions. The help sheet also recommends, turning your recordings into written words (VARK Learn Limited, 2022). I can apply that by taking more notes when watching the videos and lectures. 

  • Complete the following 64-question personality survey based on . Report your type (example: ISTP), read the full description under the Self-development heading, and then explain how you can use this information personally, academically, and professionally. 

Carl Jungs and Isabel Briggs Myers typological approach personality survey reported my type as ESFJ.  

Under the self-development heading it states that their emotions will not be contained, often exuding warmth and bonhomie, but not infrequently boiling over with the vexation of their souls (Humanmetrics Inc. (1998-2022). This is true, and not true. In my personal life, I can use this information to acknowledge that I get frustrated and annoyed easily and try to practice more patience and understanding to those around me. Having kids has really helped me with this. I still struggle with my short fuse, so to speak, but I started practicing breathing techniques and walking away instead of constantly reacting. When I said the quote was true and not true, this is what I mean; my emotions are big and when I have had enough, I show it, but I can contain my emotions. I feel like that part of the quote makes it sound like a child who does not know how to regulate their emotions properly. If someone gathers different information than I did, I would love to hear your interpretation!  

Professionally, ESFJs enjoy being in charge. They see problems clearly and delegate easily, work hard and play with zest(Humanmetrics Inc. (1998-2022). I believe that is a great quality to have, especially if I would like to move up the ladder in the job to a team leader or managerial position. I can take this information and practice executing it more in my everyday situations and perfect it. It will become an added value that I bring to the workplace. I typically take charge or delegate if no one else that wants to do it but, I should start delegating even if there are other people that also like to take charge and see how it goes.  

Academically, I can use this information to help determine and assist with my learning throughout college (Shushan, 2019, p. 77). Extraverts enjoy classes that allow for active class participation and group discussions because they are comfortable speaking in groups and are stimulated in these situations (Shushan, 2019, p. 77). This is absolutely true for me; I need it to keep me interested and excited. I really enjoy constant feedback, both negative and positive.  

Humanmetrics Inc. (1998-2022)

Shushan, J. (2019). The Pocket Guide to College Success (3rd Edition). Macmillan Higher Education.  

VARK Learn Limited. (2022)  

VARK Learn Limited (2022)