
Classroom Observation Analyzer

Table of Contents:

Client Information 3

Company Name 3

Company Location 3

Project Sponsor 3

Sponsor’s Location 3

Business Description 3

Project Information 3

Project Goal 3Benefit of the Project 3

Project Brief Description 3

Relationship to the Client 3

Objectives and Metrics 3

My Role in the Project 4

Proposed Duration 4

Resources Required 4

Learning Anticipations 4

Area of MASY Study Covered 4

Learning Outcomes 4

Anticipated Project Findings 4

Potential Solutions 4

Limitations 4

Client Information

Company Name:

New York University

Company Location:

New York, NY, United States

Project Sponsor:

Dr. Andres Fortino

Sponsor’s Location:


Business Description:

New York University is a private research university in New York City.

Project Information

Project Goal:

The goal of the project is to create a computer-based tool that will be used in the preparation of classroom observation reports on R interface program.

Projected business benefit of the project:

The client will be able to use the classroom observation analyzer on both the Windows interface and the Apple MacBook. The client will get speed and reliability from using the computer-based tool and the costs of designing the tool will be affordable.

Project Brief description:

The project involves the creation of a classroom observation analyzer which will be a computer-based tool that will be used in the collection of the different observations that are made by a classroom observer to create a classroom observation report that is comprehensive. I will use the knowledge that I have gathered on the use of R interface and the creation of computer-based tools to create the analyzer.

Relationship to the client:

The client is a corporation that has been referred to me by another client that I have worked with before in designing a similar tool.

Project objective and Metrics for measuring project success

Objective1: This will help the client to have a better view of the classroom and a simpler and more intuitive view of the student feedback from the previous semester to improve the teaching for the next semester.

Objective 2: Ability to translate the instructions given by the client into in-depth specifications about the computer tools and ensure that the specifications are delivered to the client as a word document. Clients can select the information they need to produce reports. Meet ninety percent of the client's needs as much as possible.

Objective 3: Ensure that the project is completed within the budget of the client. Prepare a budget prior to the onset of the project and compare the actual costs incurred with the desired costs from the budget.

Objective 4: Deliver a completed computer-based tool to the client which has a user manual that will offer guidelines on how the tool can be used by the client.

My role in the project:

My role in the project is as a project manager and as a project manager, my roles will include planning, organizing, and directing the completion of the specific deliverables in the project to ensure that it is conducted in line with the project objectives. As the person conducting the project, I will ensure that all the tasks are completed, and the client is handed a functional computer-based tool that will be helpful in the intended function.

Proposed duration:

The project will start on Februay1, 2022 and final version will be delivered on May 4 ,2022. Approximately 300 hours in total.

Resources Required:

The project will require a project team of three members to ensure that is completed within the stipulated time and all the deliverables are completed on schedule. Another resource that is needed for the completion of the project is a list of the appropriate R packages that will be required for the development of the project. I will also need details on how to build a classroom observation analyzer that offers a step-by-step direction on building the tool from scratch until it is completed.

Learning Anticipations

Areas of study in the MS program that would be covered by the project:

1. Project Management. For this project, I will be the project manager. I will initiate the project, plan, execute, monitor/control, and close the project. Similar to what I did in Project Management class

2. RPM: I will need to use the skills I learned in my RPM class to conduct my research and make them into a research paper format. I will also practice the research method discussed in class to do the market research.

Anticipated Learning outcomes:

Project management skills

Programming Language: R

Anticipated Project Findings

Potential solutions:

Creating a classroom observation report by collating choices made under each observation category by a class observer to facilitate creating a draft of the final report


Creating a program with such platform required lots of expertise knowledge with R and the ability to adapt the changes

Academic Advisor

Paul Henkel

Anticipated Graduation Date

Spring 2022