

Please read each passage below, I need a minimum of 150 words for each part (1 & 2) which is a total of 300 words in response. I DO NOT need a reference or title page, however please provide the reference(s) underneath the passage. Please label as I have done below, example Part 1 and place your response along with the reference. Please keep each one on the same document! Please cite properly and use correct grammar. DUE by 6PM CST 4/18/22

Part 1

In an article by Mestrovic MD, Ph.D., (2018), he speaks about where medical tourism began back when developed countries offered services that were not available in their own country. As we have seen where medical doctors went to other countries and helped people as well as brought them to the US to do medical procedures that they could not get elsewhere. In doing so they were helping people, as a good deed without cost to the patient. This has now reversed where people are going to lesser developed countries for medical procedures that are not allowed by laws and/or regulations in their own country or are less expensive to have performed. Such as we read in our text, Gonzalez-Padron, T. (2015),

this week regarding, harvesting organs from prison inmates who are being put to death and the manner in which they took the organs not being according to regulations. You can go to other countries where people are killed or maimed to harvest a body part. Some in the sales of their own organs.

The main problem in doing this is that some countries as not as aesthetic in the delivery of services or maybe less than qualified to do the procedure where mistakes and infections can occur. As mentioned in the article, inadequate quality.

We all know the cost of medical treatment of all kinds is expensive. Medical professionals from school on up are required to have insurance in case they do harm to others. The guidelines set forth are there generally because an issue has occurred in the past. A certain amount of trust is put forth when we go to a medical facility. These people are there to save our lives or prevent the worst or just make an ailment better.

                                                           References (R. Sutts)

Gonzalez-Padron, T. (2015). Business ethics and social responsibility for managers. Zovio

News Medical Life Sciences, What is Medical Tourism? By Dr. Tomislav Metrovi, MD, Ph.D. Found at

Part 2

Many families have decided to wade the waters of medical tourism due to a a number of reasons.  Most have taken the leap into traveling out of the US to complete medical treatment(s) due to the delay in procedures for pandemic related restrictions and a fear of larger medical bills that outweigh any other concerns from having treatment done outside of the country.  With the need of care and medical access that is quick and affordable for many the risk is worth the reward.  “Millions of Americans traveled to other countries for savings of between 40 to 80 percent on medical treatments, according to the global medical tourism guide Patients Beyond Borders” (Yeginsu, 2021).  

Organizational Values

We are to conduct business with patients, vendors, and providers with transparent honesty and integrity. When working with patients, providers, and vendors, it is extremely important to be honest and upfront with costs associated with treatment. We understand that medical care and/or treatment can be costly and we are committed to providing a full comprehensive treatment plan to all patients. 

We are committed to the highest ethical, legal and professional standards and work with medical travel associates who share our mission, values, and standards of care.

Guidelines for acceptable behavior

We will treat everyone with respect and dignity, and will make no distinction or biased decisions based on medical condition (current or pre-existing), age, gender, disability, race, color, religion, national origin or place of residence.  The care of our patients will be of the utmost priority for this organization. 

We are committed to the compassionate treatment of our patients and compliance with established policies and statements of patient rights. 

Compliance with Legislation 

We are accountable for our conduct and compliance with applicable laws. If any legal issues arise, they will be handled accordingly.  This organization will comply with all local state and international medical laws and legislation as it applies to any medical treatment or patient care. 

We will adhere to all laws and regulations outlined by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPPA).

We exercise confidentiality and do not share such information with others unless instructed by the patient or requested on behalf of the patient. This includes the selling of patient information or third-party inquiries into patient information or care.

Examples of Prohibited Acts

Manipulation of care or treatment plans for financial gains of the company.

Misrepresentation of our company and/or representation of our core values or mission by any member of our staff or partner of our company. 

Non-Qualified Care of any patient.

Dishonest information or conduct towards patients, families of patients, or any partnering agency or vendor we do business with.

All unethical or questionable practice(s) or care that is considered as such by any regulatory agency

 Reference: (J. Kroll)

Gonzalez-Padron, T. (2015). . Zovio.

Yeginsu, C. (2019).  Why Medical Tourism is Drawing Patients; Even in a Pandemic.  Retrieved from https://www.nytimes.com/2021/01/19/travel/medical-tourism-coronavirus-pandemic.html