Radiology Technologist

Work History Personal Info


Jassiel OlivaPersonable radiology technologist with passion for public health and education, seeking to bring a freshexcitement to my new role. Knowledgeable in all aspects of radiology with success in adopting newtechnologies and techniques to keep up with medical advancements.

Interventional Radiology TechnologistKendall Regional Medical Center, Kendall Fl, Florida

Created images using fluoroscopy, and helpphysicians assess and diagnose patients.Operated x-ray and mobile imaging equipment .Quickly learned new skills and applied them todaily tasks, improving efficiency and productivity.Reviewed physicians' orders to determine medicalimaging needs and operated radiologicequipment to capture, develop and producediagnostic images.Handled private and confidential information incompliance with hospital policies and procedures,including HIPAA.

2021-02 -Current

Interventional Vascular RadiologyTechnologistHialeah Hospital, Hialeah, FL

Managed aseptic techniques to control infectionrisk and protect both patients and staff.Maintained, cleaned and sterilized instruments andequipment for each patient.Supported patients by keeping private andconfidential information concealed in adherenceto regulations and procedures.Followed safety protocols at all times to minimizeradiation exposure and potential for incidents withstaff or patients.Educated patients on procedure details, provided

2019-11 -Current

Address4719 NW 7th Street Apt.301Miami, FL, 33126

Phone(786) 394-0866

[email protected]


Patient confidentiality

Patient assessments

Patient privacy

Infection control andaseptic procedures

Patient Education


Go getter


Able to speak English andSpanish

(BLS) certified

Education and Training



instructions and answered questions to minimizeanxiety and improve cooperation.Assists the physician during procedures whilemaintaining sterile techniques.

Associate of Science: RadiologicTechnologyFlorida National University – Hialeah, FL

Clinical Rotation and Training at Hialeah Hospital inRadiology and Special Procedures Departmentfrom 2018-02 to 2019-08.

2016-10 -2019-10

Radiologic Technology GR#96933 ( Florida License )(ARRT )License #601757

Certificate in Radiology from American Registry ofRadiologic Technologists

Certificate in Vascular Interventional Radiology fromAmerican Registry of Radiologic Technologists.

Certificate in Computed Tomography from AmericanRegistry of Radiologic Technologists.

R.T.(R) (CT) (VI) (ARRT).