
Teaching Project Rubric

Attachment 3

Based upon a deficit in an aggregate you identified in your Community Assessment, identify an area of teaching appropriate for the aggregate.

Part 1 & 2 emailed to clinical faculty 5 days before teaching.

Students’ Names:

Teaching Topic Based Upon Social and Health Problem:

Teaching Presentation




Possible Points

Understanding of Material for the project

Demonstrates in-depth understanding of topic; thorough explanation to promote understanding ; presents most important content

15-20 points

Has good grasp of material: occasional gaps noted or unclear explanation; Presents core points well

15-10 points

Difficult to follow topics or to understand major points from the presentation

9-0 points


General Content

Thorough, accurate, succinct, relevant


10-8 points

Provides basic, accurate information

7-5 points

Lacking information and/or information is inaccurate and irrelevant

4-0 points


The main project concept

Thorough, accurate, complete, relevant information based upon course content and readings

20-15 points

Provides basic, accurate information about project concepts based upon minimal mastery of course content and readings

15-9 points

Lacking information about project concepts or the information is inaccurate

8-0 points


Audience understanding

Evaluates audience comprehension of content; audience demonstrates understanding

10-8 points

Evaluates audience comprehension of content; audience demonstrates minimal understanding

7-5 points

Does not evaluate audience understanding and/or audience does not adequately demonstrate understanding

4-0 points


Audience participation

Encourage the audience to participate

10-8 points

Minimum audience participation

7-5 points

The audience did not participate or not encouraged

4-0 points


Display of the


Materials well developed. Easy to view & understand; creative use of graphics; written in presenter’s own words; few errors

20-15 points

Slides adequate for information; adequate graphics; some reproduction of other’s work; some errors

15-9 points

Information difficult to interpret from slides; graphics irrelevant or missing; work not original; many errors

8-0 points



Reference using Footnote

APA format adhered

All references included and within 5 years

All graphics with references

10-8 points

APA format attempted;

7-5 points

Incorrect format and references; used unapproved references and/or inappropriate or commercial sites; plagiarizes material

4-0 points


Student reviewed grading / signature / date: