Wk 7 Jerence

  Please provide a 100 word response to the below classmate discussion post.

The response is based on the below film and initial question:

View the film, Service, Support & Justice: Law Enforcement Response to Crime Victims, Office for Victims Crime, Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice


Post in the Collaboration Forums.  Explain how you would correlate our Criminal Justice Management course to this film.  This may be at the Executive Management, Middle Management, or Line Supervisor level.  There is no right or wrong answer; however, make an effort to demonstrate how each influences the other in a positive manner.

Classmate response:


This film speak about the level of service and professional organization we have being discussing in our criminal management course from the outset. The officer said we as law enforcement officers understand the coin really well which is the enforcement side, but we did not understand the service side particularly our crime victims. As law enforcement agencies our communities are the most important assets we have as we sworn to serve, protect and offer the best professional service. Chief Raymond Rose stated that police concept of service is wrong, he said we started from the premise that the community do not exist to support the police department , the police department exists to support the community.

The film also stated that years ago police only used to focus on who did it, where is the suspect arrest and prosecute, but never really focus on the victim who house was destroyed and have their privacy invaded. The film also correlate with criminal justice management ,as the chief stated victims of crime became part of  the police team, as the main reason for police is to support our communities. In criminal justice management we have gone through numerous amount of film and articles that speak to  lock of trust by the communities, and in this film one of the chief objective is to build the relationship with communities to regain trust. He also stated that before you can build community relationship you have to first build trust.

In concluding law enforcement agencies should become role models for our communities, communities should look to the police for help and not having the perception that all law enforcement officers are corrupt. It is also important that we just don’t move from call to call to settle disputes in our communities, but exist our patrol cars and engage citizens, get to know the people we serve and protect.