Wk 6d Jerence


Watch the film, Warrieor vs. Guardian mindsets in Policing from the link below.  Respond to the classmate discussion post below in a minimum of 100 words.


In Jamaica we have a very high crime rate, our crime rate in Jamaica for the year 2021 was 49.4 homicide per 100,000 inhabitants in the island nation. The ideal profile for the modern police officer is not to put their lives at risk by searching for wanted men in bushes or dwelling premises, but to stay at base and let technology work for you. As a certified unmanned aerial vehicle pilot (drones) I can safely say it is very effective, and most of our success in recent time derived from using drones. In recent time police are enjoying sitting in a fully air conditioning room and tracking crime statistics, wanted men, stolen vehicles and detecting breaches of the road traffic Act.

In Jamaica most of our crimes are from gang activities which  predominantly occurred in the less develop areas, what we call” ghetto”. The country is very hard to police and we have more than 280 active gangs operating, however with the increase of technology and increase of intelligence gathering operatives police will soon have the luxury of monitoring the country by just one click on their computer.

It is also very good to invest in the phone tracking system, where you can track suspects and their conversation, this is very effective as you no more have to wonder where the suspect is ,but you can have real time information.