
Final PaperThis assignment addresses and measure’s your mastery of the following Student Learning Outcome (SLO):SLO #1: Students will develop and persuasively argue a historical thesis in a written assignment that identifies and explains major social, economic, political and/or cultural themes or patterns in United States history to 1877.SLO #2: Students will apply appropriate historical methods to analyze and use primary and/or secondary sources as evidence to support the thesis in an essay addressing issues in United States history to 1877.Start planning and thinking about your final paper now. Here is the prompt:Freedom has been a central theme of Colonial American history. Yet, the application of freedom has varied greatly throughout this period and among different groups of people. Using the assigned textbooks in this course (US OpenStax, Howard Zinn’s Voices of a People’s History of the United States and the modules) form an argument regarding how indenture servants/slaves, colonialist, native indigenous people, women, and Mexicans have experienced and/or been denied freedom. Remember to define the term freedom in your introductory paragraph. You must select 3 different groups of people to discuss in this paper and 3 different chapters in Voices of a People’s History of the United States. This is a compulsory requirement. A paper that does not engage with the primary sources contained in Voices of People’s History will not be given credit. Paper Requirements1. 5 full pages typed in point 12 font, double spaced with parenetical citations with page numbers. (Zinn, pg. 73).Formal in tone. This means that you should not insert I think, I feel, In this paper I argue, etc.No outside research except for making contemporary connection. Edit and proof read your paper. This is not a 5 paragraph paper. It should contain an introductory paragraph with the argument at the end of the paragraph in bold. There should be body paragraphs (generally more than 3 in a history paper) and a conclusion.A works cited page if you used outside sources. Include a paragraph that explains the historical legacies or contemporary implications. A paper without in-text citations or use of the Zinn readings will not be give credit. That means ZERO points regardless of how well written the paper is.Remember, I use a plagiarism software, do not use work that is not your own, work previously submitted to other classes and work that lacks proper citations.