Special needs


2.  IT MUST be obvious in your writing that you have viewed the above video.  If not, your grade on both the Special Needs Summary + Music Integration Project will be reduced significantly.

3.  WRITE one detailed paragraph that describes the special need you have selected from the list below.  Summarize in detail what you have found on the website or from other resources. You MUST cite the resources and references you find as your research this special need.

4. WRITE a second paragraph that describes the educational implications of that special need.  For example, which characteristics of the special need would affect the student’s ability to perform typical tasks in a classroom setting?  Or for nursing students, what would affect a patient’s ability to perform typical tasks in a health, occupational, or daily setting?

5. After summarizing the special need, IDENTIFY and DESCRIBE at least 2 areas that are challenges for a student with that particular diagnosis.

Ex. Student with Down Syndrome will have difficulty enunciating/communicating due to low muscle tone.

ADHD – http://www.chadd.org/

Autism – https://nationalautismassociation.org/resources/autism-fact-sheet/?gclid=Cj0KCQiAtJeNBhCVARIsANJUJ2FjSZlvg3v6sBskDGVIyneh8x4pAgNpgzRi8ayIlhO5SUY-kuFoiSIaAmb7EALw_wcB

EVALUATION BASED ON:  Meeting all requirements, accurate content, detail and personal insight, use person first language, evidence of research and understanding of the special need.