
Textbook : Women and Men in Management- By Gary and Powell 4th edition

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2.1: Discuss the choices available to men and women in choosing an occupation   (Powell, Ch. 4).  Explain your answer in view of the data presented in Table 2.4, derived from the U. S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics (2009).  Describe any changes that have taken place since the publication of these statistics.


2.2: Summarize the decisions by individuals in seeking employment (Powell, pp. 75-79), focusing on gender differences.


2.3: Explain gender differences in job search behavior (Powell, pp. 81-83),

       and discuss the outcome of such behavior for males vs. females.


2.4: Outline the various decisions which must be made by organizations in recruiting male and female employees (Powell, pp. 74-90).


2.5: Summarize the methods of improving employment decisions (Powell, pp. 91-96).  What method is most significant?  Justify your answer.


2.6: Study the sections “Sex Similarity Effects” and “Sex Diversity Effects” (Powell, pp. 106-110); then discuss the major concepts presented in these sections.  Do you agree or disagree with these concepts?  Justify your positions on these issues. 


2.7: Discuss the importance of situational factors on team effectiveness (Powell, pp. 110-114).


2.8: How can the problems of mixed-sex teams be overcome (pp. 114-121)?


2.9: What are the advantages and disadvantages of masculine, feminine, and androgynous

        traits in a leader (Powell, pp. 126-143)?  What type of manager do most people prefer

        and why?


2.10: Summarize the various methods for promoting effective leadership (pp. 143-146). 

          Are transformational leaders (p. 141-143) qualitatively different from other types of leaders? 

          Explain your answer