
Social Concepts of Nursing, Guidance for the Poster of Community Profile.

50% of your mark for the Social Concepts of Nursing Module will be assessed from creation and presentation of a Community Profile presented as an online Poster. You will be allocated a Ward from the Kirklees District and your task is to produce a poster giving a community profile of the allocated area.

There maybe be more than one group looking at each ward, this provides the opportunity to learn how different groups approach a task.

Below explains what a community Profile is, how to create one and aspects to include. You can be as creative as you like with your poster in terms of pictures, charts etc. but you must produce a 2 Power-point slides one is the poster and the second references. Please ensure that you support the information you use with appropriate references.

What is a community profile?

A community profile provides an overview of the community at a certain point in time. It is a useful way to identify the strengths and weaknesses of a local area and the health challenges. There are many different types of community profiles that can be prepared using a variety of techniques. This guide will identify the areas that should be included. Your community profile MUST identify the health needs of your focus area and contributing factors to the health outcomes of the local population.

Basic Tools and Methods


The Census provides the basic skeleton for any community profile. Information on a range of key statistics such as population, age and gender can be obtained. Census figures are available from

Although the Census is from 2011 it is still a valuable starting point, and it is regarded as the highest quality data albeit somewhat out of date. The last Census took place on 21 March 2021 however the information will not be available for you to use in your community profile.

Other official statistics produced by the Government are available at a local level found here for Kirklees -Joint Strategic Assessment:

Other methods

Kirklees district is divided into 23 wards and information on these different wards can be found here:

When gathering information to build a Community Profile you need to research widely and include in your community profile demographics of the population and the health needs of the specific ward. You need to consider the area you are focusing on and research the health of the population within the ward. Consider and explore the factors in the area which impact on the population. Considering aspects such as location, urban, rural, facilities- shops, library, fast food outlets, restaurants, leisure, green spaces parks, health care, clinics, gyms, transport networks, type of housing, traffic – pollution, social factors, education and education outcomes, crime affluence, poverty and social deprivation, employment etc. Think about the health topics covered in the module and how the aspects of the ward you are covering might contribute to better or poorer health outcomes.

This link provides information about public health within the Kirklees District

Question to consider

Topic: Brief summary of history and description of the area (covered by the plan)

Is the local area a village, town or city?

Is the local area urban or rural or a combination?

Is the community population growing or declining in general?

What is the physical character of the local area? E.g. lots of green spaces, large houses, rural lanes What type of housing? Council, private owned, private rented, general housing stock? Back to back terraced housing, large detached houses?


What is the total population of the local area? Is it a diverse population in terms of age, ethnicity?

What is the gender break down? E.g. 50 / 50

What is the average age of the community? Creating a chart showing the age structure of your community could be very useful as it may help to show if

there may be a future demand for particular housing types eg if there is a high



proportion of elderly people there may be a demand for appropriate housing to cater for older people’s needs

What is the general state of health of the community? Any particular health focus, problems or targets for the community.

What proportion of your community has a disability?

What proportion of the community is working?

What is the ethnic breakdown of the community?

Are there changes taking place which may affect the size or makeup of the population? e.g. has significant development taken place since the Census?

Service provision

Which of the following services are provided within your local area? If not available within your local area how far is it to the nearest:

· Police station

· Fire Station

· Post Office

· Library

· Food banks

Which of the following health facilities are provided within your local area? If not available within your local area how far is it to the nearest:

· Doctor (or health centre)

· Nurse

· Dentist

· Hospital


Which of the following education facilities are available within the local area? If available in the local area please indicate how many. If not available within the local area how far is it to the nearest:

· Pre-school facility

· Primary school

· Secondary school

· Further education college

· University

· How many children are on free school meals in the area?

· Number of children leaving school with GCSE Maths and English passes or 5 GCSEs and above?

Is provision made for pre-school and after school childcare?

Is childcare provision before and after school adequate for its purpose?

Is there a library service available in the local area? What services does it offer?

When the schools and colleges identified above are not in use do other community activities occur use e.g. fitness classes? Adult education?

Work and economy

Where are the main concentrations of employment located within the local area?

Who are the major employers? E.g they employ more than 10 people

Where do most people who work in the local area live? E.g. proportion of people who commute in or out of the local area everyday to work

What is the level of unemployment in your local area?

Is the community’s economy generally vibrant or are many shops closing?

Would you be able to complete a weekly shop within the local area?

Is there a large number of fast food Outlets, restaurants?

*Is out of town shopping available?

Do local people have a means to obtain cash or pay bills? Please indicate which facility is available in your local area?

· Banks

· building society

· post office


Please indicate which of the following facilities are available:

· Shop(s)

· Pub(s)


What public transport services are available in your local area?

· Bus

· Train

Is the frequency of service adequate?

Do the public transport services serve all parts of community?

Is there community transport available e.g. dial-a-ride

Where are the nearest train stations?

Is there a designed cycle route?

Leisure / recreation

Do you have a leisure centre?

*Which of the following leisure / recreation facilities are available

· children’s play area

· skate park

· community / village hall

Crime and Nuisance

What is the perceived level of non violent crime in your area eg vandalism, burglary?

Lots of incidents A few incidents

Very occasional incidents Not at all

Don’t know

Are there perceived issues relating to Anti- Social behaviour in your area?

Are there specific areas where crime levels are perceived to be concentrated?

Are you aware of what the police or community safety teams are doing to

tackle crime issues in your area?

Making a Profile work for your community

Doing a community profile can be hard work so it is always worth thinking about how to make the most of it and making sure it gives you useful and relevant information. Below are a few pointers:

· Be clear about the area being profiled – clearly indicate boundaries on a map if necessary

· Don’t do more than you have to; only look at topics/issues relevant to your plan being produced (see above for areas to focus on).

· Ensure you give a description of the ward you are focusing on and include the demographics of the population, the health needs and how the area contributes to the health outcomes of the population.

· Think about how the profile will be written up and presented; your target audience is your peers and University lecturers. Remember your work should consist of 2 power-point slides. The first slide should be the poster and the second the supporting references.