1979-1989 Q1
Country | 1979 Elephant Population | 1989 Elephant Population | 1979-1989 Mean Elephant Population | |
Angola | 12,400 | 12,400 | 0.0 | |
Botswana | 20,000 | 51,000 | 3,100.0 | |
Cameroon | 16,200 | 21,200 | 500.0 | |
Cen African Rep | 63,000 | 19,000 | -4,400.0 | |
Chad | 15,000 | 3,100 | -1,190.0 | |
Congo | 10,800 | 70,000 | 5,920.0 | |
Dem Rep of Congo | 377,700 | 85,000 | -29,270.0 | |
Gabon | 13,400 | 76,000 | 6,260.0 | |
Kenya | 65,000 | 19,000 | -4,600.0 | |
Mozambique | 54,800 | 18,600 | -3,620.0 | |
Somalia | 24,300 | 6,000 | -1,830.0 | |
Tanzania | 316,300 | 80,000 | -23,630.0 | |
Zambia | 150,000 | 41,000 | -10,900.0 | |
Zimbabwe | 30,000 | 43,000 | 1,300.0 |
1979-1989 Mean Elephant Population
Angola Botswana Cameroon Cen African RepChad Congo Dem Rep of Congo Gabon Kenya Mozambique Somalia Tanzania Zambia Zimbabwe 03100500-4400-11905920-292706260-4600-3620-1830-23630-109001300
Population Change
1989-2007 Q2
Country | 1989 Elephant Population | 2007 Elephant Population | 1989-2007 Mean Elephant Population | |
Angola | 12,400 | 2,530 | -548.3 | |
Botswana | 51,000 | 175,487 | 6915.9 | |
Cameroon | 21,200 | 15,387 | -322.9 | |
Cen African Rep | 19,000 | 3,334 | -870.3 | |
Chad | 3,100 | 6,435 | 185.3 | |
Congo | 70,000 | 22,102 | -2661.0 | |
Dem Rep of Congo | 85,000 | 23,714 | -3404.8 | |
Gabon | 76,000 | 70,637 | -297.9 | |
Kenya | 19,000 | 31,636 | 702.0 | |
Mozambique | 18,600 | 26,088 | 416.0 | |
Somalia | 6,000 | 70 | -329.4 | |
Tanzania | 80,000 | 167,003 | 4833.5 | |
Zambia | 41,000 | 29,231 | -653.8 | |
Zimbabwe | 43,000 | 99,107 | 3117.1 |
1989-2007 Mean Elephant Population
Angola Botswana Cameroon Cen African RepChad Congo Dem Rep of Congo Gabon Kenya Mozambique Somalia Tanzania Zambia Zimbabwe -548.333333333333376915.9444444444443-322.94444444444446-870.33333333333337185.27777777777777-2661-3404.7777777777778-297.94444444444446702416-329.444444444444464833.5-653.833333333333373117.0555555555557
Population Change
2007-2012 Q3
Country | 2007 Elephant Population | 2012 Elephant Population | 2007-2012 Mean Elephant Population | |
Angola | 2,530 | 2,530 | 0 | |
Botswana | 175,487 | 175,454 | -6.6 | |
Cameroon | 15,387 | 14,049 | -267.6 | |
Cen African Rep | 3,334 | 2,285 | -209.8 | |
Chad | 6,435 | 3,004 | -686.2 | |
Congo | 22,102 | 49,248 | 5429.2 | |
Dem Rep of Congo | 23,714 | 13,674 | -2008 | |
Gabon | 70,637 | 77,252 | 1323 | |
Kenya | 31,636 | 36,260 | 924.8 | |
Mozambique | 26,088 | 26,513 | 85 | |
Somalia | 70 | 70 | 0 | |
Tanzania | 167,003 | 117,456 | -9909.4 | |
Zambia | 29,231 | 21,589 | -1528.4 | |
Zimbabwe | 99,107 | 100,291 | 236.8 |
2007-2012 Mean Elephant Population
Angola Botswana Cameroon Cen African RepChad Congo Dem Rep of Congo Gabon Kenya Mozambique Somalia Tanzania Zambia Zimbabwe 0-6.6-267.60000000000002-209.8-686.25429.2-20081323924.8850-9909.4-1528.4236.8
Population Change
Summary Q4
Country | 1979 Elephant Population | 1989 Elephant Population | 2007 Elephant Population | 2012 Elephant Population | 1979-1989 Mean Elephant Population | 1989-2007 Mean Elephant Population | 2007-2012 Mean Elephant Population | 1979-2012 Overall Mean Change Elephant Population |
Angola | 12,400 | 12,400 | 2,530 | 2,530 | 0.0 | -548.3 | 0.0 | -548.3 |
Botswana | 20,000 | 51,000 | 175,487 | 175,454 | 3,100.0 | 6,915.9 | -6.6 | 10,009.3 |
Cameroon | 16,200 | 21,200 | 15,387 | 14,049 | 500.0 | -322.9 | -267.6 | -90.5 |
Cen African Rep | 63,000 | 19,000 | 3,334 | 2,285 | -4,400.0 | -870.3 | -209.8 | -5,480.1 |
Chad | 15,000 | 3,100 | 6,435 | 3,004 | -1,190.0 | 185.3 | -686.2 | -1,690.9 |
Congo | 10,800 | 70,000 | 22,102 | 49,248 | 5,920.0 | -2,661.0 | 5,429.2 | 8,688.2 |
Dem Rep of Congo | 377,700 | 85,000 | 23,714 | 13,674 | -29,270.0 | -3,404.8 | -2,008.0 | -34,682.8 |
Gabon | 13,400 | 76,000 | 70,637 | 77,252 | 6,260.0 | -297.9 | 1,323.0 | 7,285.1 |
Kenya | 65,000 | 19,000 | 31,636 | 36,260 | -4,600.0 | 702.0 | 924.8 | -2,973.2 |
Mozambique | 54,800 | 18,600 | 26,088 | 26,513 | -3,620.0 | 416.0 | 85.0 | -3,119.0 |
Somalia | 24,300 | 6,000 | 70 | 70 | -1,830.0 | -329.4 | 0.0 | -2,159.4 |
Tanzania | 316,300 | 80,000 | 167,003 | 117,456 | -23,630.0 | 4,833.5 | -9,909.4 | -28,705.9 |
Zambia | 150,000 | 41,000 | 29,231 | 21,589 | -10,900.0 | -653.8 | -1,528.4 | -13,082.2 |
Zimbabwe | 30,000 | 43,000 | 99,107 | 100,291 | 1,300.0 | 3,117.1 | 236.8 | 4,653.9 |
1979-2012 Overall Mean Change Elephant Population
Angola Botswana Cameroon Cen African RepChad Congo Dem Rep of Congo Gabon Kenya Mozambique Somalia Tanzania Zambia Zimbabwe -548.3333333333333710009.344444444445-90.54444444444448-5480.1333333333332-1690.92222222222228688.2000000000007-34682.7777777777817285.0555555555557-2973.2-3119-2159.4444444444443-28705.9-13082.2333333333344653.8555555555558
Population Change