Any topic (writer’s choice)

It is important for teachers to be informed consumers of educational materials. Textbooks selected for subject area instruction should provide not only quality information and instruction in the specific content area, but they should also reflect quality in their format, organization, readability, and accuracy.

Select a content area textbook that you use or that is used at your school. Using the criteria that follow, do a thorough evaluation of the textbook, addressing the various components listed. Write up your findings in a comprehensive report. Use APA format.

Use the following criteria to guide your evaluation:

A. Basic information:

Title of textbook: Real Book (Reading-Language-Learning) Stage B
                              Spiral Bound
Author/s: Minsed Works
Publisher:Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company
Publication date; January 1,2017
ISBN 978-0-545-89010-6
Subject/grade level:Reading-Language-Learning
D. Teachers edition and other materials: Teacher’s, Getting Started, and the Assessment & Analytics guide.

Textbook provides a separate teachers edition with resource package
Teachers edition is comprehensive, organized, and easy to use
Teachers edition includes academic support strategies/materials for special groups such as student with learning disabilities, those learning English as a second language, or gifted/advanced students
Teachers edition includes suggestions for alternate assignments for assessing special populations such as those listed above
Supplementary materials, if included, are of high quality and useful in supporting instruction (transparencies, manipulatives, student workbooks, audio/video materials, software)

B. Organization/format
Textbook provides a useful table of contents, glossary & index
Layout is consistent and chapters are arranged logically
Chapters contain clear and comprehensive introductions and summaries to address the diverse needs of student learners
Textbook contains references, bibliography and resources
Information is accurate and current
Reading level is appropriate for age/grade
Size and format of print is appropriate
Format is visually appealing & interesting
E. Diversity

Women and minorities are featured in important roles
Subject matter covers a spectrum of accomplishments and contributions by people of all sexes, races, and physical conditions
All groups are presented in broad scope
Pronouns and descriptors of both sexes are used equally
Nouns, adjectives, terms, and illustrations and non-stereotypical and non-prejudicial
Children of both sexes and various cultures and physical conditions could use the materials without feeling excluded, estranged, or diminished

C. Content
Real-life applications are given
Information and directions are clearly written and explained
Activities are developmentally appropriate
Non-text content (maps, graphs, pictures) are accurate and well integrated into the text
Lessons/activities extend learning and provide for an interdisciplinary and/or thematic approach
Activities apply to a diversity of student abilities, interests and learning styles
Activities include guiding questions which encourage the development of higher-level thinking skills

F. Alignment

Textbook content aligns to district/state standards, curriculum, school goals, and objectives
Textbook will be a useful resource in preparing students to meet the requirements of the statewide assessments

Assignment 2

Textbook Evaluation


Exceeds Expectations

19-20 points

Meets Expectations

14-18 points

Does Not Meet Expectations

0-13 points

A content area textbook is evaluated using the criteria from the chart given. Numerous examples are used to support the evaluation of the textbook. A well-grounded recommendation is made for or against use of the textbook. The report demonstrates organization, and the information is easy to follow. Main points are comprehensively developed and discussed, citing specific reasons/examples. The assignment is free of written errors and submitted on time.

A content area textbook is evaluated using the criteria from the chart given. Examples are used to support the evaluation of the textbook. A recommendation is made for or against use of the textbook. The report demonstrates organization. Main points are developed and discussed. Minor writing errors might be evident. The assignment is submitted on time.

A content area textbook is evaluated. Limited examples are used to substantiate main points. Report lack organization. Writing errors might be evident. Assignment is submitted late.