Comprehensive essay

A. Select one of the following short stories. They are all written by Katherine Mansfield. Other authors not acceptable:
1. The Garden Party
2. The Daughters of the Late Colonel
3. Bliss
4. The Fly
5. The Singing Lesson
6. Her First Ball
7. Miss Brill
B. Read the story very carefully. YOU HAVE TO READ IT. DO NOT READ ANY SUMMARIES. Then write a 400-words comprehensive essay on one of the following themes:
a. Gender roles / women.
b. Class.
c. Illusion/ disillusion.
Any copying from the internet = plagiarism and will earn you a ZERO.
D. Please follow the MLA guidelines. Your font-size must be 12 or 14, it must be double-spaced. If you chose to use quotes, dont forget to cite the source.

Thank you