
Case Four: Gone Today, Here Tomorrow
In Jurassic Park-like fashion, scientists have been attempting to bring recently-
extincted species back from the dead, so to speak. The 5 April 2013 journal Science
reported that the first live product of de-extinction, a Pyrenean ibex, lasted only a
few minutes before extincting again. The ibex, which was produced by a process
similar to that used for Dolly, the infamous cloned sheep, was driven to extinction in
the first place with the help of humans. Some scientists think it only fitting that
humans play a part in the de-extinction of those species that we helped to extinct in
the first place.
An environmental argument for de-extinction arises from the case of the wooly
mammoth, a species whose de-extinction would likely have beneficial
consequences, such as the restoration of a more diverse ecology in the Arctic.
Unfortunately for dinosaur enthusiasts, species of dinosaurs are not contenders for
de-extinction at the moment, as the processes for de-extinction that are currently
available require fresher DNA. And some notable environmental scientists are
concerned about the unforeseen effects of reintroducing a de-extincted species into
an environment, much like the unforeseen effects of introducing non-native species
of plants or animals into novel environments. One might also wonder whether de-
extincted creatures fall under endangered species laws and whether it is
appropriate to use the term extinct for species from this time forward, given that
de-extinction is an imminent possibility.

Our final discussion board assignment is much more complex than all of the others; accordingly, it is worth 100 points, and aims to integrate all of the material we have covered throughout the class in order to analyze and try to resolve a contemporary ethical issue.  Instead of responding to two classmates postings, you must respond to at least three of your classmates.
In order to complete your original posting, you will undoubtedly have to do additional research on the case study you have been assigned.  I have included one web link with additional information pertaining to each case study.  This is suggested reading.  Be sure you cite whatever sources you rely on when submitting your posting.
After reading and researching your case, compose an initial posting that includes the following:
1.    Identify the ethical question at issue in the case study and explain why this captures the heart of the ethical conflict.
2.    Provide a summary of the case study in your own words that includes the essential information of the case. Include additional information you have gleaned based on the additional research you have completed.
3.    Identify any assumptions, implications or consequences that are relevant to the case study. Define these terms, and explain how they apply to the case, being sure to explain how they relate to your resolution of the ethical question at issue
4.    Identify at least two ethical concepts that are relevant to the case study. Define these terms, and explain how they apply to the case, being sure to explain how they relate to your resolution of the ethical question at issue.
5.    Identify or develop at least one principle that is relevant to the case study. State your principle clearly, being sure to explain how it relates to your resolution of the ethical question at issue.
6.    Apply at least two ethical theories we have covered in the class to the case study. Be sure to define the basic idea of the theories and explain how they relate to your resolution of the ethical question at issue.
7.    Propose a solution that best resolves the issue in an ethical manner based on your own judgment. Be sure to provide a thorough explanation of your solution.