Mitigation Plan

Review your county’s hazard mitigation STRATEGY, the FEMA disaster statistics and the list of funded mitigation actions in FY16 thru FY19.  Compare and contrast what is proposed in the local hazard mitigation plan and the funding received through declared disasters, PDM as well as FMA funding.

Answer the following questions

What is the costliest and/or deadliest hazard in your county? Is the costliest/deadliest hazard in your county mitigated?
Which hazard(s) does your county mostly mitigate?
What hazards are not mitigated through PDM/FMA but is needed in your county?
Does your local plan address climate change?
What is your opinion on the inclusion of climate change in hazard mitigation plans?
What type of mitigation projects (and how many, cost) has your county implemented in the past years?
What category of mitigation projects are not funded through PDM/FMA but are needed in your county?

Please do not copy/paste the information from your local plan. Write in complete sentences and use the APA reference style to document your sources.

This assignment is designed to research the reality between YOUR county’s hazard mitigation plan and past funding for hazard mitigation projects.

You will need the following documents and websites to complete the assignment:

the Hazard Mitigation Plan of the county that you currently reside in, i.e. revisit the hazard mitigation plan that you examined in Assignment #1

FEMA declared disaster statistics (

funded PDM projects ( (review application status for FY19, FY 18, FY17, and FY16)
follow the URL on the right side of the website called FY19 Sub-application Status
scroll at the way to the bottom of the sub-application status page to get a list of funded projects
for simplicity assume that projects labeled “Identified for Further Review” have been funded
remember PDM has been replaced by BRIC in FY20

Funded FMA projects ( (review application status for FY19, FY 18, FY17, and FY16)
follow the URL on the right side of the website called FY19 Sub-application Status
scroll at the way to the bottom of the sub-application status page to get a list of funded projects
for simplicity assume that projects labeled “Identified for Further Review” have been funded
remember PDM has been replaced by BRIC in FY20

feel free to also explore the new HMGP Post Fire
eligible hazard mitigation projects (