Stroop Research Project: Results Rough Draft


The results section of your APA research paper will begin by reminding the reader of the hypothesis you proposed at the end of your introduction section. From there, you will describe the data that were collected through our experiment, reporting on the relevant descriptive and inferential statistics reviewed in the Stroop Experiment Research Project Wrap-up page.

For example, you will discuss the mean and standard deviation values for reaction times associated with the congruent and incongruent conditions. Additionally, you’ll report on the results associated with our correlated groups t-test.

Your results section should include a descriptive review of study findings (prose), as well as presentation of numerical data. See APA Formatting Crash Course, linked to below, for examples.

Assignment Criteria & Formatting
Your results section should address the “Results Section Rough Draft” rubric criteria outlined below. Section headings and presentation of statistics should follow APA formatting. For help with APA formatting, please visit the APA Formatting Crash Course module page. A cover page is not required for this rough draft.

File format should be .pdf, .doc, or .docx.