How do performers approach Bach’s solo instrumental music differently?

Project 3: Theoretical Framework based on analysis of the related literature: Due Week 9

In Project 3, we shift the gear from describing what you have read as in Project 2 to create your own narrative using what you have learned from the literature. The technique is called Content Analysis of your literature.
A theoretical framework is a formal paper with references and citations in correct APA format. In this paper, you will organize and develop a full description of all relevant issues and factors on your topic/research question that you have learned from the literature analysis.
This paper begins with the introduction of your topic and research question(s), a description of why it is important or significant. In the introduction, you will also make a statement of the problem and context (or background) of your research topic.  (See Chapter IV for guidance.)
In the main body of this paper, you will develop a cogent research paper in which concepts, issues, other substantive matters, and the relationships among them are discussed, ending with a summary and conclusion. The conclusion is effective in a visual diagram.
Many parts of your initial research question will be answered in this paper; feel free to rephrase your research question after having done this initial part of your research.
This paper requires the minimum 15 pieces of literature and 18 pages of writing (excluding references), double-spaced, font size 12. All citation and references MUST be in APA (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)   
(Please print the above pdf and refer to it as often as you need to)

MLA and Chicago formats are not used in this class.

The below rubric is made up of hypothetical descriptors:

Each paper will receive specific descriptive feedback: The instructor will use the gradient numerics within letter grades.







A 20

A- 19

Clear description of the topic, rationale or significance, purpose

Well researched 

Clearly organized

Clear,  succinct, and


Follow APA to the tee


B+ 18

B 17

B- 16

Clear description of topic, missing some components of the problem (intro section)

Good enough reading, lacking smooth weaving of the content matter

Organization need to be tight

Good writing, need a tighter structure

APA and sentence structure alright, not excellent


C+ 15

C  14

C-  13

Somewhat unclear

Reading is done but not clearly analyzed

Loosely organized

Writing is understandable,

Need to tighten

Writing is redundant, etc.

Need more work

D+  12

D  11

D-  10


Not enough  reading, not well digested

Somewhat disorganized

Writing needs improvement

More work on writing style, grammar, structure