Team Project – Written Paper


Team Project (Team Grade): 30%

Please Note: Please Note: This Power Point is to be posted in the Forum no later than Tuesday, April 28th 11:55pm.  This is so your peers can review and respond and/or ask questions.  The Written Paper is due Saturday, Friday, May 8 at 11:55pm.  Please Note that only one person per group needs to post it to the forum as well as submit both, the power point and written papers for grading via the assignment link. 

Each team will come up with and select a different case of an organization confronting managing complex change. The team will be responsible for devising a comprehensive change plan, informed by everything they have learned regarding the formulation and execution of successful complex change initiatives.  If you need help with coming up with an organization, please let the Instructor know.

Team Project Criteria

The criteria for evaluation of both the case work itself and the team process are as follows:

Quality of issue analysis (40% of project grade): Is the analysis insightful, comprehensive, and thoughtful, going beyond superficial descriptions and organizational symptoms to identify root cases that need addressing?
Quality of recommendations (35% of project grade): Are the recommendations and implementation process sound, well thought through, and appropriate to the problem, integrating the specifics of the case and organizational change “best practices?  Pay special attention to:
Comprehensiveness and thoughtfulness of change plan design
Anticipated effectiveness of the change strategy based on implementation plan completeness and plausibility
Attention to the management of conflicts and tradeoffs, and innovativeness.

It is important to emphasize that, as with any realworld change project, there is no single “correct” answer. Therefore, a broad range of solutions are expected and acceptable, provided they are supported by solid and well reasoned assessment of the presenting challenges, and a sound theoretical and practical rationale for the solutions proposed and their implementation.

Strategic context (15% of project grade):
Team mutual accountability (5% of project grade): Is each member “carrying their weight”, or are one or two members carrying the team?  Is the team holding itself accountable to driving an inclusive, collective performance?
Team intelligent risktaking and Innovation (5% of project grade): Is the teams thinking limited to its acquired learning from our materials, or is the team being creative in taking their thinking to a higher level?

IMPORTANT INFORMATION: our team has choose Google as our target firm and our project idea which is coming up with an organizational change plan to change the culture at Google. Google has been having issues with company culture in recent years, and the group wants to dissect the issue and come up with solutions.

There are seven parts in our group essay:

  #1 Introduction
  #2 Problem Definition
  #3 Key Facts
  #4 Need for Change
  #5 Solution Recommendations
  #6 Desired Outcome
  #7 Conclusions

I will be charge on #1 and #2. So you have to write 4-pages essay about introduction and problem definition please~

Please let me know if you have any questions regarding this essay, thank you!