
Answer two of the following three questions.  There is no set length.  Be sure to answer each question that you select as thoroughly as possible. Be sure that its clear from your answer how all of the factors you include fit in the complete answer. (Each question is worth 50 points.) 

1.)  a. Explain, as thoroughly as possible, what the central conflict in Antigone is and how it came about.

b. Explain, as thoroughly as possible, what each of the two main characters involved in the conflict represent.

c.  Explain, as thoroughly as possible, what qualifies Antigone as a heroic figure.

2.)  a. Explain, as thoroughly as possible, what the disagreement is between Job and his three friends.

b. Explain, as thoroughly as possible, what the significance is of Gods speech for the position taken by Job in the debate with his friends, and for the basic position taken by his friends in the debate.     

3.) a. Explain, as thoroughly as possible, the significance of Galileos discovery of the moons of Jupiter is for the Copernican Revolution and what the significance is of his discovery of shadows on the surface of the earths moon is for the Copernican Revolution.

b.  Select two of the following three areas of human activity and experience and explain, as thoroughly as possible, how The Life of Galileo illustrates how science interacts with those other two areas of human activity and experience:  economic, political, and social.