Any topic (writer’s choice)

Before you submit your topic, make sure you can find sources for your topic. That should be the first step.

Do not upload a proposal until you find five peer reviewed sources on the SCC library databases.


You need to develop a unique topic for your research paper. If you have any ideas you want to discuss with me, email me. As soon as I approve your topic, you can begin looking for sources of information. You will need to find a minimum of ten sources. Your sources should be a combination of professional / scholarly journal articles from the databases, books, articles, web sources, interviews, etc. The combination of sources will depend on the topic you choose. Some students find enough sources on the databases.

Remember, pick a topic you are excited to learn more about.

Think about it. What do you find interesting?

Let me know if you have any questions.

IMPORTANT: Avoid generic research topics. Avoid topics that are often used in high school classes. You need to find a unique approach to your topic.  It must be something that interests you.

There are a number of topics that will NOT be approved. Some of them include the following: abortion, animal rights, death penalty, gun laws, drinking laws, drug laws, euthanasia, climate change, etc. (This is not a complete list.)

Your topic proposal should be on one page (word document). It MUST include the following information:

Topic summary (2-5 sentences)
Tentative thesis (1 sentence)

Description of your focus. (1-2 sentences) Don’t panic if you don’t have a focus yet.  Do the best you can.

Include an explanation of why you want to learn more about this topic. Why is this interesting to you? (3-6 sentences)

Include a brief description of any other topics you have considered.