What was the African American experience during the latter part of the nineteenth century? How did that experience vary depending on the region?

Your essay should be in the following format:

Introduction/Thesis What is the main point of your paper and what evidence do you have to support your point? You should have three main points to support your answer and you should give a preview to these main points in your introduction.
Main Point 1 State your first point and provide examples from outside sources as support.
Main Point 2 State your second point and provide examples from outside sources as support.
Main Point 3 State your third point and provide examples from outside sources as support.
Conclusion Restate your thesis/main point. Do not introduce new information in the conclusion. This is your opportunity to provide a wrap-up of everything you said in your paper.
You will also need to provide a Works Cited page at the end of the paper with all sources you used. You need to use at least two sources besides your textbook. Do not use Wikipedia. The library website provides a database of books, newspaper articles, journals, websites, etc. where you can obtain information. https://union.discover.flvc.org/vc.jsp?S=0531601747986583 (Links to an external site.)

For guidelines for MLA or APA Styles visit: https://valenciacollege.edu/students/library/mla-apa-chicago-guides/Links to an external site.

If you need help with your paper and writing contact me or you can set up an appointment for etutoring help with the Valencia College Writing Center. More information can be found here:
