
After completing the assigned reading in Duvall and Hays and the assigned Bible reading, complete the following in one to two paragraphs each:

1. What is the Mosaic Covenant?

2. Notice the cycle of sin, judgment, suffering, and deliverance on p. 67. In what ways do you see that pattern in your own life or in the lives of others?

3. What is the Davidic Covenant?

After completing the assigned reading in Plummer, complete the following in one to two paragraphs each:

4. What does it mean that the Bible was written in various genres? How does that knowledge help us to interpret the Bible more accurately?

5. Identify and explain one additional principle for interpreting the Bible.


Duvall, J. S., & Hays, J. D. (2012). Living God’s word: Discovering our place in the great story of scripture. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan. ISBN-13: 978-0310292104

Plummer, R. (2010). 40 questions about interpreting the Bible. Grand Rapids, MI: Kregel Academic & Professional. ISBN-13: 978-0825434983 View less