Unequal Funding in Public Schools in the United States (Opinion Piece 2)

Hello, a couple of weeks ago you worked on an opinion paper for arguing about the problems with funding in public schools in the United States. This week, the second opinion piece assignment is due Sunday at 11:59 PM. Like the previous assignment, the purpose of this paper is still trying to advocate the benefits, importance, and value of supporting my cause (my cause is advocating for a more equal funding in public education across the United States). However, in this essay, you have to acknowledge and address counterarguments that do not think funding should be equal for all public schools in the United States.

I went ahead and added the instructions for this opinion piece assignment. Also, I added the paper that you wrote last time (that I revised, added some things), just so that you avoid repeating information that was already said in the last assignment.

It needs to be 250-350 words, 12-pt font, times new roman, double spaced.
