watch tutorial: research topic vs. research question + Patricia Lange, Thanks for Watching (excerpt: read only Chapter 2, YouTube Initiation, under files) for today + Submit reading response #2 (150 words max).

watch tutorial: research topic vs. research question + Patricia Lange, Thanks for Watching (excerpt: read only Chapter 2, YouTube Initiation, under files) for today + Submit reading response #2 (here)

Other written work may be freewrites, brainstorms, sample paragraphs, etc., on a smaller, more low stakes scale than the more formalized projects below, to show progress and show your work towards more formal elements of your projects as with staged drafts, complete and on time = full credit.

Reading responses will be due the day of, assessed by a rubric (available soon), about 150 words each, and require 2-3 questions to ask of the material (as response is exploration and expansion, not just reception). Ill distribute a rubric that applies to both these and the kairos days (under files and via announcements). On days we have kairos days, I will not double up on a reading response.

Possible (not required) topics for response:

Briefly analyze similarities/differences with TikTok, which many brought up on kairos day #2 as a meaningful cultural change in their recent experiences
Relationships and identities as producers/consumers (and production vs. consumption) in this media (youtube), in other words creators and audiences; meanings of participation and participatory culture
Consider analyzing/breaking down specific qualitative methods the author Patricia Lange used as a researcher
How to characterize also the relationship b/t the researcher and her human subjects and choice of technology
Assumptions about youtubers (narcissism, etc.) vs. real practices/orientations that she uncovered
Gender certainly an issue here; I thought this quote was powerful:
Narcissism accusations can become a way of adjudicating female sexuality

and romance as well as complicating womens ability to create and control their

own images.42 Because narcissism accusations may be doing different work as they

target various populations, it is incumbent upon researchers to investigate such

claims anew as they reappear to see if they are valid and to understand their effects. Narcissism accusations sometimes target regulation of female sexuality and are temporally bound, as a participants video content may change over time.

Comparisons/contrasts with Twenges iGen (how they are interpreting the same sort of material, of involvement/participation in media, etc., differently, and/or asking different questions of the same trends)