find and summerise articles on sustainable


I would like you to find three academic or other good and objective resources about sustainable fashion. It is crucial that these articles/  websites / reports videos etc. These need to be objective and correct. They shouldnt include any opinions. And should contain the following:
* the major problems related to your topic
* the major actors (governments, NGOs, international institutions, large corporations, start-ups, media, customers, professional groups.) related to the problem(s) in various ways (either they contribute to the problem, they analyse it or they try to solve the problem(s)
* the potential solutions and innovations

research can be done on : Research on internet (OECD library, Statistista environment, WWF reports & videos, United Nation for the environment,  NGOs, Futurible, youtube, BBC, France culture.)

Could you please not only provide me with the MLA styles references but also with the links so that I can go back to them later.

I would like you to write a short summery for each one of the resources and addressing the answers to the questions in the pullet points above.

Let me know if you have any questions.

Thank you in advance