The Legislative Process


Go to The Center on Congress at Indiana University by clicking at the following link:  NOTE: Adobe Flash on your PC must be to to date and activated. If it fails to open, try using a different web browser like Firefox or Internet Explorer.

Complete the following simulations.
Introduction by Lee Hamilton
The Textbook Legislative Process
The Dynamic Legislative Process

Complete the following questions about the simulations
Similar to Research Brief #1, number your answers from 1 to 5 for Part I; and 1 to 5 for Part II, then type your answers for each question.  You may, when appropriate, use bullet points to answer the questions.

NOTE: For your convenience, the questions appear on the simulations in chronological order.

Part I: The Textbook Legislative Process

1 .On average, how many bills are introduced during each Congress? (6 points)
2. What is the toughest hurdle in the legislative process?  Why? (6 points)
3 .Which house (or chamber) of Congress has a Rules Committee?  What does the Rules Committee do? (4 points)
4. If the House of Representatives has voted on its version of a particular bill and the Senate votes separately on a different version of the same bill, what happens? (6 points)
5. What are the two possible outcomes if the President vetoes a bill? (6 points)
Part II: The Dynamic Legislative Process

1. What must a member do to move legislation through the multiple stages of the legislative process? (6 points)
2. What do members of Congress do to develop broad public support for their bills? (6 points)
3. Why is it much easier for a bill to be defeated than to be passed? (6 points)
4. What alternative procedures or unorthodox methods can be used to get around steps in the traditional process, especially for priority or controversial bills? (6 points)
5. What are the advantages and/or disadvantages of using alternative or unorthodox legislative processes? (6 points)

Just answer the 10 questions from the link I provided up top, no plagiarism please!