Using Healthy People – Health Basics

First, you will watch this video Determinants of Health: Reaching Healthy People 2020 Goals.
This Healthy People 2020 video discusses how identifying weak links in health determinants paves a way toward solutions that improve health and well-being.
Then, considering what you have learned about determinants of health, dimensions of wellness, health in the United States, and Healthy People Initiatives, you will choose a Healthy People 2020 topic and objective.
You will:
State why you chose that topic (1-3 sentences)
Describe the topic, focusing on determinants of health and dimensions of wellness (1 paragraph)
Select 1 objective (1 paragraph)
state the baseline and target
describe some of the disparities, including statistics
Make a conclusion about progress on the topic and objective; then, recommend a target for the future including a determinant to focus a future intervention.

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