Signature Strength in a New Way

Just as we all experience happiness and subjective well-being differently, so too do we have differing strengths of character. It is important o note here that when you look at the results of your VIA- survey, what you will see is the strengths that come easiest or most naturally to you are at the top AKA your signature strength (the ones you own, celebrate & frequently exercise), while as you go further down the list of your strengths, these are the ones that do not occur as easily or naturally- yet they are ALL strengths  You can refer to page 159 in your textbook to get a glimpse of what this exercise will entail.

PRIOR to participating in this brief exercise, you need to complete the VIA Survey.  You can go  back to (Links to an external site.)  to sign on & complete the survey if you havent  already completed it when you went to the site early in the semester.

After you have completed your VIA Survey and  identified your top strengths, you will then pick one of your signature strengths and you are to use it in a new way every day for a week.  Ideas are offered for you in the textbook on pages 159-162, but you are welcome to come up with your own ideas.

Comment on what your top character strengths were, which signature strength you selected. Then describe how you used this strength in a new way, how you subjectively felt in using your strength in this new way, and offer any additional insights you gained form this exercise. Make sure to connect with the concepts from the learning materials.

Your submission should be between 300-500 words. Please keep in mind, proper writing is expected (new paragraphs, punctuation, no abbreviations or text speak,” clearly edited, free of grammar mistakes or misspellings, and APA cited if appropriate/necessary). Outline or bulleted formats are not acceptable.