Mindfulness Training Improves Working Memory Capacity and GRE Performance While Reducing Mind Wandering

Summary of the Article

Summarize the author(s) purpose and hypotheses for the study.
Why is this an interesting or worthwhile topic/phenomenon to research?
What is already known about this topic/phenomenon?

Where are the gaps in contemporary knowledge or understanding of this topic/phenomenon?

What methodology was used?
Describe the sample of participants in the study (number, age, gender, etc).*
Describe the measures/materials used and the how the study was conducted.*
Describe the results/findings of the study.
What are the implications of the results?


Is the method employed a valid test of the predictions or hypotheses?

Has the researcher overlooked any possible confounds or extraneous variables which could affect interpretations of the findings?

Was the sample appropriately diverse? Is the research design appropriately inclusive and/or sensitive to the cultural context?
Is the method of sample selection described one that is likely to result in a representative, unbiased sample?
Are there ways of interpreting the results that haven’t been considered?

How generalizable are the findings?
What limitations did the authors state?

What are the additional limitations that the authors did not acknowledge?

What future research directions did the authors outline?

Discuss additional future research directions that you see.

What do you suggest to improve this research?

Can you identify additional implications of the results that were not discussed in the article? 

Personal Reflections

What are your overall impressions of the study?
How can the findings or implications be applicable to your life?
Did this study make you curious about other ideas or topics?