Any topic (writer’s choice)

The book review should include two sections: The first section should provide a short summary of the work. This part should be no longer than 1 page. The second section (1-2 pages) should give a critical analysis of the book and address questions such as:

    Who is the target audience?
    Was the book easy to understand?
    Was there a clear argument in the book?
    What was the most interesting contribution you think the book makes to scholarship on the topic?
    What were some of the strengths and weaknesses of the book?
    Did the book use a lot of terms in other languages? Were these terms explained?

You do not need to include other scholarly opinions or publications on the book. This is your own analysis of the work so no external sources should be used and you will not need to include any in-text citations (other than page references to the book when you are discussing specific sections). Include a proper bibliographic entry of the book at the start of your review. It should look like this: