Athletic Injury Report

On September 21, an athletic injury report must be turn in on either a high school football program, or college football program, or a National football League (NFL) team of your choice.  You must obtain all the injuries these teams’ athletes sustained for the months of August and September.
              Procedural format for writing the athletic injury report
a.                  Write your name
b.                  Due date of report
c.              Course name
d.                Write the names of the football programs
e.              Write the name  and contact information of the sources from which you obtain the injury report.  If you obtain the injuries from the internet, put the HYPERLINK of the website in the text of the report.
f.              Write the types of the injuries
          Important note: Obtaining injury status information on football programs on any level is generally public information.  This information can be attained usually by talking to the athletic trainer, a football coach, or reading the newspapers, and/or searching the internet of the teams of your choice. (Please communicate with me if you have problems getting this information).
          Synopsis of the athletic injury reports:  The synopsis must be a comparisonsimilarities or dissimilarities–of the injuries sustained by both teams for each month.
          Care and prevention of the Injury: Then you must select one of these injuries and tell (1) how you would have prevented it was happening, (2) what the initial signs and symptoms needed to be to enable you to diagnosis exactly what the injury was, (3) what would have been your initial and subsequent treatments of the injury, (4) and what would be your rehabilitation process for the injury?