Faith Integration Week 4

Faith Integration Week 4
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Faith Integration

Post a substantive response to Forum prompts by  11:59 PM  Tuesday night.  Include information from the weekly readings to support your response.

Post a substantive response to a minimum of one peer by  11:59 PM  Thursday night.

                    See Online Discussion Forums section of Syllabus for complete instructions


Many of us have to learn to wait on God. Some of us may be waiting for a vision for what is next, waiting for a godly spouse, or waiting to be delivered from a difficult trial. Yes, there is a time to be active, but there is also a time to wait, and we must discern the times. A flower dies if it blooms in winter.

Certainly, we can see that though Nehemiah waited, he was not inactive. He spent day and night in prayer for those four months (Neh 1:6). This is the normal process for somebody who God is preparing to lead. He sends them into a waiting season, and in this waiting season, he prepares them for greater leadership. Even Christ waited for some thirty years and then forty days in the wilderness before he began his ministry. We should be prepared for this as well. We must learn to wait on God: (Links to an external site.)

Read Nehemiah 1:8-9. What characteristics of a godly leader can we discern from verses 8 and 9? In what ways has God been teaching you to wait on him? What makes this a difficult lesson to learn? Using the Pattern of Leader Emergence in your textbook, how do these verses prepare you for group leadership?  In what ways have you experienced intimacy with God leading to a call or assertiveness as a leader?