Any topic (writer’s choice)

Respond in 1 2 paragraphs to the following question:
Question 1
Do Medicare patients perceive that they will receive better care at a nonprofit or a for-profit hospital in Arizona? Since I am looking at perception, this would be a qualitative study with surveys. What do you think, doable? Would the results add value to general knowledge?
Question 2
With all the money organizations spend on training employees on client/patient confidentiality. Why is it difficult for staff to redirect clients/patients on confidentiality?
Question 3
How will the Patient-Centered Medical Home (PCMH) impact hospitals or primary care clinics to ensure financial stability with the Medicaid population?
Question 4
Civil issues, health disparities, and access to care are all topics that are being discussed across the globe – what does COVID-19 have to do with it?
Question 5
How does DHA studies shows the importance of investigating health issues and develop knowledge that can inform future practice?
Question 6
Being Innovative in a Time of Rapid Change and health disparities or implicit bias