standford prison experiment discussion post

watch the following documentary, after reading

The documentary is a BBC film depicting the Stanford Prison Experiment. It includes original footage of the study, and more current interviews with select mock ‘prisoners’, ‘guards’, and the researcher, Dr. Zimbardo. It provides a very good overview of the purpose of the study, and the methods employed.

As you watch, please think about the ethical policies reviewed in Chapter 1 of the Tri-Council Policy Statement.

Discussion post:
1) Please post to the Discussion Board any general comments you have on the study, and the behaviour exhibited by the mock prisoners and mock guards. Did the events depicted in the footage surprise you? Why or why not?

2) Then, please comment on the ethics of the study (as depicted in the film) applying the core underlying value of the Tri-Council Policy, ‘Respect for Human Dignity’. (Think about how ‘Respect for Human Dignity’ might be expressed through the three core principles of respect for persons, concern for welfare, and justice.)

3) The Zimbardo experiment was conducted in 1971. Imagine that you are a member of an ethics review board, and receive a proposal to replicate the study in 2020. Would you allow it? Why or why not?

4) If you do approve the study, what changes would you request to the study (as depicted in the film) to ensure that the ethical principles of the Tri-Council Policy (respect for persons, concern for welfare, and justice) are respected?

please follow the rubic and read the instruction carefully