What are the causes and effects of a poor education?

Cause and Effect Essay

What are the causes and the effects of a poor education?

You may take any side of these arguments (positive or negative). This depends upon your own point of view. You may have to do a bit of research to discover the causes and/or effects. Although this is not a research paper, if you use an outside source then you must cite it. Try to do your best. We have just started to scratch the surface of MLA formatting.

At this point in the semester I am just looking to see that you try to cite any sources that you use.

Other points to consider:

The paper should be two pages in length
Make sure to construct a proper heading
Underline your thesis statement
Remember to double space your entire paper
If you have a Works Cited page, it should be the last page of your paper, AND it is its own page.
Use 12 pt font and Times New Roman