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Find the attached and amend by adding the following parts:

Executive summary
executive summary that illustrates in a succinct yet exhaustive manner the main contents of your writeup,


The introduction in your report should provide an overview of the business situation or the business problems presented in the case. Are there one or more main issues that need to be solved? Are there alternative decisions that could be taken and would lead to different pathways that could help solving or addressing such issue(s)? Who are the main actors who are supposed to take these decisions?


In the analysis section your investigation of the different possible ways that could help addressing the issue(s) you introduced at the previous section should be developed. Possible different alternatives of action should be singularly evaluated. What is good/bad, difficult/easy, costly/productive, safe/risky, promising/unlikely about each of them? Alternatives should also be contrasted against each other, so that their pros and cons can be better appraised. Attention should then be given to figures and decision maker(s) presented in the case. What are their actual roles, empowerment, abilities and, thus, possibilities to implement each alternative of action in a successful or non-successful way?


The conclusions of the report should present your synthesis and recommendations. Your synthesis extracts the best course of action from all alternatives as they emerge from the previous section. You have to justify your choice with facts and logical reasoning, that you will select from the analysis. Your recommendations need to be convincing and substantiated.