Any topic (writer’s choice)

Caterpillar Informal:
Hofstedes dimensions of culture
Power Distance
Uncertainty Avoidance
Long-term orientation
Trompenaars cultural dimensions
Universalism versus Particularism
Individualism versus Communitarianism
Neutral versus Emotional
Specific versus Diffuse
Achievement versus Ascription
Sequential versus Synchronous time
Internal direction versus External direction
GLOBE model ( only do the ones that are not in Hofstedes dimensions)
Uncertainty avoidance. The extent uncertainty is avoided by relying on established social norms
Power distance. The extent and acceptance of unequal distribution of power
Institutional collectivism. The degree collective distribution of resources is rewarded
In-group collectivism. The degree individuals express pride, loyalty, and cohesiveness in society
Gender egalitarianism. The degree the society minimizes gender role differences
Assertiveness. The degree individuals are assertive, confrontational, and aggressive in social relationships
Future orientation. The degree the society engages in future planning, investing, and delaying gratification
Performance orientation. The degree individuals are rewarded for performance improvements
Humane orientation. The degree individuals are rewarded for being fair, altruistic, friendly, and kind
What Leadership style is used?