Developing Adult

Discussion Post:
“The lecture suggests 3 ways of dealing with stress. Did you already know these strategies? Which of these is most helpful for you in dealing with stress? Give a situation in which you applied this strategy and discuss with your classmates. “

Discussion Requirements:
*  Your INITIAL Discussion post must be 2 substantive paragraphs answering the topic, with citations for your sources underneath – if you use information that is not your own – which is most of the time. A substantive paragraph is at least 5-8 sentences. 
* REPLIES TO CLASSMATES should be in response to a classmates post in which you further the conversation by adding a personal anecdote, asking a question, or adding more facts from the readings to your classmate’s post. Response posts to classmates must be substantive in nature, meaning at least four sentences and not simply, “I agree.” One and two sentence replies to classmates garner 1/2 credit. “I agree” garners NO credit.