Any topic (writer’s choice)

Please follow up all the instructions.
The Training Module
Prepare this assignment on a Microsoft Word document and submit it as an attachment with your name and the title: The Training Module in the comments section. For this assignment, you will design one complete internal (meaning it will not be an introductory or closing) module for your training.  In your previous training design task, you learned and applied some of the elements of a training module.  You will apply them and others here in greater detail.  This assignment requires you to conceptualize your actual performance in the training that you are designing this semester, so it must be as complete and thoughtful as possible.  In grading the assignment, I will be looking for inclusion of all items listed below, if the module appears to fit into your overall training outline and if it falls at an appropriate time or phase in the training day.  As always, good writing counts. 

Think: How would you need to write your module so that another experienced trainer could teach it with a minimum of preparation time if you were called away and were unable to teach it.  I will be looking for detail.  I have provided an example of a training module below.  Use it as a guide, but please dont imitate it.  Your module should be your original creation, and I want to see your inspiration and inventiveness reflected in your creation.

In writing your module, be sure to include:

Training Design Items:

A.    The title of your training: Is Your Teens Life in Good Hands?
B.    Your target audience: Parents
C.    Your overall training goal: To provide parents with the knowledge and skills to enhance family bonds and strengthen parents to prevent teen alcohol abuse.
Topic: Alcohol abuse prevention

Module Items:
A.    A module title headed by a roman numeral and including the duration:
B.    1-3 modular behavioral objectives written PWBAT (Participants Will Be Able To)
C.    A modular synopsis: (A one-paragraph description of what will take place in the module):
D.    A list of documents such as handouts, worksheets, etc.  (Attach at least 1 to this assignment)
E.    Trainer notes: (Information you would want another trainer to know about your procedures)
F.    Procedures including opening, methodologies and summations
G.    Processing questions
Following is an example of a module from the NYC DOE HIV/AIDS Curriculum training for public school teachers of students in grades 6-12:
IV.    Critical Concepts                            10:15am – 11:15am

Behavioral Objective
    Participants will be able to state ten of the critical facts regarding the nature, transmission and prevention of HIV/AIDS as revealed in the Critical Concepts worksheet used in training
Trainer note    The Critical Concepts worksheet is divided into three sections: Nature, Transmission and Prevention.  The entire module should take about 1 hour (15-20 minutes for each of the 3 topic areas.)  The answers are attached to this design.
Documents    Critical Concepts worksheet (1 for each participant)
Critical Concepts answer sheet for the trainer

Module IV synopsis: The training process for this module is an individual task followed by review and discussion.  This is to be done separately for each of the 3 sections of Critical Concepts.  The trainer gives the participants 5 minutes to complete a section followed by 5-10 minutes for the trainer to provide the correct answers, clarify and misunderstandings and answer questions. 

    A.    Critical Concepts #1:  The Nature of HIV/AIDS
        1.    Trainer introduces the task by distributing the worksheet titled Critical                 Concepts and directs participants to complete section 1 Nature.                      Participants work for 5 minutes
        2.    Trainer elicits answers from the participants, filling in critical                     information – 5-10 minutes.

    B.    Same instructions for Critical Concepts #2 Methods of Transmission

    C.    Same instructions for Critical Concepts #3 Methods of Prevention

    D.    Trainer summarizes by stating that is it not necessary for teachers to become             medical professionals.  However, teachers need a good grounding in the                 medical/technical aspects of HIV/AIDS in order to teach this curriculum.
    E.    Processing Questions (from the E.I.A.G. Model):
        1.    Identifying
            a.    What are some of the critical concepts that stood out for you or                     seemed surprising?
            b.    What are some questions that you expect your students will have?

        2.    Analyzing Questions
            a.    Why do students need to know the information presented in                     Critical Concepts?
            b.    How will your students react to these concepts and why?   

        3.    Generalizing Questions
            a.    Have you taught sensitive topics to your students before, and how                     is this similar or different?
            b.    What concerns do you have about teaching critical concepts to                     your students?
    F.    Q and A to the end of this module (11:15)