Philosophy of love and sex

1. Choose 1 claim from each of the first four chapters  of Jean M. Twenge’s The Narcissism Epidemic:  Living in the Age of Entitlement and agree or disagree with the author’s claim giving your own evidence (examples, analogies, deductive evidence, expert opinion, case study). You will end up with four claims.  An example claim from the first chapter would be that self-admiration has gone too far in western countries and is now bordering on narcissism.  Choose what you consider to be a substantial claim from each chapter.  Use any or all of the assigned Sam Vaknin videos on narcissistic abuse as evidence for or against Twenge’s claims at least once.

2. Do you agree with Aristotle’s view of philia as the highest form of love?  Outline the three types of philia in one sentence and then agree or disagree with his view using your own evidence.  Concentrate on the type of philia he argued was the best, or highest.

3.  Do you agree with Viva Hammer’s conclusion in “Matchless:  An Observant Jew Searches for Love”?  In four sentences summarize her journey for love and then give reasons why she was correct or not in her final conclusion.

4. Choose either the Augustine piece or the reading from Eric Fromm and outline their argument in four premises.  Then, agree or disagree with their argument.