coaching and mentoring

this follows on from your previous work you did for me
casual type of writing
please answer          stating task 3        task 4        task 5

Task 3
Now look at how you would modify your approach and coaching delivery method style to accommodate the needs of a different individual/employee with potential inclusion/integration concerns (specific needs) such as age, for example, younger and mature age employees, cultural background, language or education, employees with a disability, employees who are being re-trained etc. 
Indicate specific strategies to address the modification process for each of the steps, paying particular attention to the needs of the learner (participant) and any specific skills or qualities the workplace coach/mentor may need to have to facilitate learning.

Task 4
Implement the second modified coaching plan.

Task 5
Write an evaluation of the feedback received from the in class simulations and both the workplace coaching experiences. Compare, reflect on and document the differences as well as the similarities.
Examine each of the key areas of:
    Establishing, developing, implementing and reviewing the workplace learning pathway
    Establishing, developing, implementing, closing and evaluating the learning/facilitation relationship
    The mentoring plans effectiveness   
    Identifying potential strengths and weaknesses of the participant and the mentor
    As a result of conducting this workplace coaching activity, are there any other activities the organisation needs to consider or implement to assure success of future in-house workplace coaching programs