Week Three–That than which Nothing Greater can be Thought–Barron

READ: Robert Barron, That Than Which Nothing Greater Can be Thought: The Ineffable Mystery of God in Catholicism: A Journey to the Heart of the Faith (New York: Image Books, 2011) This is in PDF.  (You can download from the course website (Online readings)


1.What can be learned about God from Moses experience on Mount Sinai? How does Aquinas and Anselm help to explain this information?
2.What is Joseph Ratzingers argument for the existence of God? How does this relate to the theory that science could only emerge in a Christian culture?
3.How does Catholic theology understand the terms transcendence and immanence 4.when talking about God, so as to avoid the tendencies to grasp or hide from God?
5.What does it mean to say that God is the Provident Creator? And how does this connect to the spiritual life and Gods involvement with the world?
6.What is the problem of evil and what are the so-called three ways of dissolving it? What does the Book of Job teach about evils place in Gods universe?