Answer the questions who, what, where, when, and how

You are working with fellow Penn Staters to fund-raise for THON (Links to an external site.)–a Penn State student-run philanthropy which raised money to assist children and families impacted by childhood cancer. 

You have decided to sell homemade rice crispy treats (two types — your choice; for some ideas see here (Links to an external site.) and hot chocolate (two types — your choice) at an upcoming basketball game. Assume that you have been provided with three stands from which to operate, located in the concession area. You have $300 in start-up funds to spend. You must find the necessary baking facilities and staff (volunteers are acceptable).

Before you can get started with your fundraising venture, you must figure out the who, what, where, when, and how of your stand operation. (You already know the why raising money for THON.)

Answer the questions who, what, where, when, and how
Some sample questions that need to be answered:
Where and when will the treats be made?
Who will make the treats?
Where, how, who, and when will you get the ingredients?
How many workers do you need and what are their duties/responsibilities?
Who will be in charge of the funds?  What procedures are necessary to handle purchases and deposit profits?
Who will work the stands?  Will there be shifts?  How many workers will you need?
What hours will the stands operate?
Organize your answers according to business functions and business processes within each function.
Research standard business processes associated with finance, production and distribution, sales and marketing, human resources functions
Research business processes associated with food catering/restaurants/vending etc.
Group processes according to business functions such as finance, production and distribution, sales and marketing, human resources, and etc.)
Organize your document according to business functions and business processes within each function.
Describe the who, what, where, when, & how of your stand operation in terms of standard business processes.
Each section should have a heading, a description of that part of the fund-raising operation (~3-4 paragraphs), and bullet points to convey the details of the operation.
Expected length is 3-5 pages single-spaced, Times New Roman 12-pt font. (Longer is fine; shorter is probably inadequate.)