Any topic (writer’s choice)

Reading response #1

Reading responses are part of your participation grade. They are opportunities for students to grapple with the ideas and issues we are reading about in this course. You will find that your effort will pay off as you tackle the other assignments in the course. Reading responses are marked as complete or incomplete. A grade of incomplete indicates your submission was not adequate.

Bowker, G.C. and Star, S.L. (1999). Introduction: To Classify is Human in Sorting Things Out: Classification and Its Consequences.

Thuras, D. (2016). Fascinating Photos from the Secret Trash Collection in a New York Sanitation Garage: Garbage can be beautiful, if sorted correctly.

Borges, J.L. (1962). The Library of Babel. All 9 pages are available via the Internet Archive,

1. In one single and short essay address the following prompts:

Identify a significant quote from Bowker and Star and write about why you selected it, how or where it fits in the thesis Bowker and Star offer, how you see it connecting to the work we will do in this course, and any questions or thoughts you have that relate to Bowker and Star.
Offer your thoughts on the ways these three readings connect or intersect with respect to the concept and practices of information organization. Be sure to provide examples and be sure to include citations that will allow your readers to find the place in the text to which you refer.