State the author(s) main argument/thesis. What is the main argument/thesis? Include the passage that best summarizes this thesis and include the page number in an in-text citation. For example, Hartman argues that (p. 3).
2. Tell me what remains unclear or underdeveloped in text/work. What might lead to this gap/weakness?
3. Relate the reading to your life experiences.
Remember, your reading summary is due at 11:59pm the Monday or Wednesday before the reading is to be discussed in class. Those received after 11:59pm but prior to the start of class will be considered late and graded accordingly. Reading summaries submitted after the start of class will not be accepted.
For example: Responses for Tuesday 1-21 are due Monday 1-20 by 11:59pm. Responses for Thursday 1-23 are due Wednesday 1-22 by 11:59pm. And so on…