Summary Paper #2


Summary Paper #2

For this weeks summary paper, you are to choose one of the links below.  Read the article or watch the video, and then write a 2-3 page paper.  Three fourths of your paper should be a summary of the video or article.  The remaining fourth of your paper should be a discussion of how the article of video relates to the assigned textbook readings.  Your paper should include:

  • Your Name
  • The date
  • Which article of video you chose to summarize.

Be sure that you use spellcheck and that your paper is grammatically correct.  And be sure to read the Summary Paper Grading Rubric, posted in the Content tab of the course for information on how your paper will be graded.


Mitosis, Meiosis and Inheritance


Genetic Recombination


DNA Transcription


Genetic Mutation


Gregor Mendel and Principles of Inheritance


Mendelian Genetics


Things Genes Cant Do


What are Genes For?

 Summary Paper Rubric :


This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeClarity

3.0 ptsTopic is clear and accurately defined. The ideas are clearly expressed and include examples and supporting statements.

2.55 ptsThe topic is clear and accurately defined, but there are no supporting statements or examples.

1.95 ptsTopic is not clearly or accurately defined. The ideas are there, but not presented clearly, and they may not all have supporting examples and statements.

0.0 ptsThe topic is not clearly or accurately defined. The ideas are not well communicated, but the reader can get a general sense of the argument.

3.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOrganization

3.0 ptsThere is a clear sense of order and supporting points are presented in a logical progression.

2.55 ptsThere is a general sense of order and all points are presented in a logical progression.

1.95 ptsTopic is not clearly or accurately defined. Ideas are note well communicated, but reader can get a general sense of argument. Points are presented in a random fashion and contain factual errors.

0.0 ptsLacks clear organizational plan. Reader is confused.

3.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContent/Depth

3.0 ptsStudent uses proper vocabulary and terminology. The content is factually correct and relevant and developed with specific details. Student provides thoughtful, personal examples and perspectives.

2.55 ptsThe student uses proper vocabulary and terminology. The content is factually correct and relevant, but the student does not provide thoughtful, personal examples and perspectives.

1.95 ptsThe student uses ordinary word choice, and the content contains few examples and personal perspectives. Content relates peripherally to the issues/topic; contains significant factual errors

0.0 ptsContent unrelated to topic. Contains major factual errors. Unsupported by any details or explanation. Very repetitive. No personal reflection or explanation.

3.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDescription of criterion

1.0 ptsNo spelling, grammar or punctuation errors.

0.85 ptsThere are no less than two major errors and some minor errors in spelling, grammar and/or punctuation.

0.65 ptsThere are some serious grammar/spelling and/or punctuation errors, but the meaning is still discernable.

0.0 ptsLimited vocabulary; errors impair communication.